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  • Initial release


  • feature: Add support for Postgres 15


  • bugfix: Correct inconsistent treatment of null literals


  • feature: Add support for Views, Materialized Views, and Foreign Tables
  • feature: Add support for filtering on is null and is not null
  • feature: User configurable page size
  • bugfix: Remove requirement for insert permission on every column for inserts to succeed
  • bugfix: hasNextPage and hasPreviousPage during reverse pagination were backwards


  • feature: String type filters support ilike, like, startsWith
  • feature: Support for @skip and @include directives
  • feature: Custom descriptions via comment directive @graphql({"description": ...})
  • bugfix: Unknown types are represented in GraphQL schema as Opaque rather than String
  • bugfix: PostgreSQL type modifiers, e.g. char(n), no longer truncate excess text
  • bugfix: Creating a new enum variant between existing variants no longer errors


  • feature: String type filters support regex, iregex
  • feature: computed relationships via functions returning setof
  • bugfix: function based computed columns with same name no longer error


  • feature: reproducible builds


  • bugfix: enums not on the roles search_path are excluded from introspection
  • bugfix: remove duplicate Enum registration
  • bugfix: foreign keys on non-null columns produce non-null GraphQL relationships


  • feature: rename enum variants with comment directive @graphql({"mappings": "sql-value": "graphql_value""})
  • bugfix: query with more than 50 fields fails
  • bugfix: @skip and @include directives missing from introspection schema
  • feature: Support for and, or and not operators in filters
  • bugfix: queries failed to run if the database was in read-only replica mode


  • feature: citext type represented as a GraphQL String
  • feature: Support for Postgres 16
  • feature: Support for user defined functions


  • feature: Support for user defined functions with default arguments
  • bugfix: Trigger functions excluded from API


  • bugfix: UDF call returned null if the row returned by the function had any null column


  • bugfix: make non-default args non-null in UDFs
  • bugfix: default value of a string type argument in a UDF was wrapped in single quotes
  • feature: add support for array types in UDFs
  • bugfix: fix crash when there are cycles in fragments
  • bugfix: function returning an inaccessible table's type no longer breaks introspection


  • bugfix: function returning a noncompliant view's type no longer breaks introspection


  • feature: first/offset based pagination
  • feature: improved descriptions for all internal error states


  • bugfix: reimplemented field merging to resolve a performance issue on large queries


  • bugfix: enabled schema based multi-tenancy via filtering SQL context on schema permissions
  • bugfix: function arguments with a null default value were required instead of optional


  • bugfix: computed field returning a composite type was always null


  • bugfix: once a query panics, all subsequent queries return a lock poisoned error.


  • feature: add support for filtering on array column types using contains, containedBy, overlaps, is, eq


  • bugfix: UDF argument with a complex default expression was marked as required
  • bugfix: not null foreign keys referencing tables with RLS are marked as nullable
