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Role Security

The supautils extension provides tooling to prevent non-superusers from modifying/granting a set of roles.

Say your backend service depends on a connector role for connecting to the database. Also, you need to give database users the ability to create their own roles, i.e. they need the CREATEROLE privilege.

A problem arises here, because any database user with CREATEROLE can DROP or ALTER the connector role, making your backend service fail. From role attributes docs:

A role with CREATEROLE privilege can alter and drop other roles, too, as well as grant or revoke membership in them. However, to create, alter, drop, or change membership of a superuser role, superuser status is required; CREATEROLE is insufficient for that.

The above problem can be solved by configuring this extension to protect the connector role:

supautils.reserved_roles = "connector"

This extension also allows restricting memberships grants for a set of roles. Certain default postgres roles are dangerous to expose to every database user. From pg default roles:

The pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files and pg_execute_server_program roles are intended to allow administrators to have trusted, but non-superuser, roles which are able to access files and run programs on the database server as the user the database runs as. As these roles are able to access any file on the server file system, they bypass all database-level permission checks when accessing files directly and they could be used to gain superuser-level access, therefore great care should be taken when granting these roles to users.

For example, you can restrict doing GRANT pg_read_server_files TO my_role with:

supautils.reserved_memberships = "pg_read_server_files"


Settings available in postgresql.conf:

Protect Roles

supautils.reserved_roles = "supabase_admin,supabase_auth_admin,supabase_storage_admin"

Protect Memberships

supautils.reserved_memberships = "pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files, pg_execute_server_program"