Type Aliases Auth Change Event Auth
: "INITIAL_SESSION" | "PASSWORD_RECOVERY" | "SIGNED_IN" | "SIGNED_OUT" | "TOKEN_REFRESHED" | "USER_UPDATED" | AuthChangeEventMFA Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:6 Auth Change EventMFA Auth Change EventMFA: "MFA_CHALLENGE_VERIFIED"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:5 Auth Flow Type Auth Flow Type: "implicit" | "pkce"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:488 AuthMFAAdmin Delete Factor Params AuthMFAAdmin Delete Factor Params: { id: string ; userId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:857 AuthMFAAdmin Delete Factor Response AuthMFAAdmin
: { data
: { id
: string } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:844 AuthMFAAdmin List Factors Params AuthMFAAdmin List Factors Params: { userId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:879 AuthMFAAdmin List Factors Response AuthMFAAdmin
: { data
: { factors
: Factor [] } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:866 AuthMFAChallenge Response AuthMFAChallenge
: { data
: { expires_at
: number ; id
: string ; type
: "totp" | "phone" } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:727 AuthMFAEnroll Phone Response AuthMFAEnroll
: { data
: { friendly_name
?: string ; id
: string ; phone
: string ; type
: "phone" } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:998 AuthMFAEnroll Response Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:716 AuthMFAEnrollTOTPResponse AuthMFAEnrollTOTPResponse
: { data
: { friendly_name
?: string ; id
: string ; totp
: { qr_code
: string ; secret
: string ; uri
: string } ; type
: "totp" } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:970 AuthMFAGet Authenticator Assurance Level Response Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:756 AuthMFAList Factors Response AuthMFAList
: { data
: { all
: Factor [] ; phone
: Factor [] ; totp
: Factor [] } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:741 AuthMFAUnenroll Response AuthMFAUnenroll
: { data
: { id
: string } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:717 AuthMFAVerify Response AuthMFAVerify
: { data
: { access_token
: string ; expires_in
: number ; refresh_token
: string ; token_type
: string ; user
: AuthUser } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:698 Auth Otp Response Auth
: { data
: { messageId
?: string | null ; session
: null ; user
: null } ; error
: null } | { data
: { messageId
?: string | null ; session
: null ; user
: null } ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:85 Auth Response Auth
: { data
: { session
: AuthSession | null ; user
: AuthUser | null } ; error
: null } | { data
: { session
: null ; user
: null } ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:53 Auth Response Password Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:66 Auth Token Response Auth
: { data
: { session
: AuthSession ; user
: AuthUser } ; error
: null } | { data
: { session
: null ; user
: null } ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:100 Auth Token Response Password Auth
: { data
: { session
: AuthSession ; user
: AuthUser ; weakPassword
?: WeakPassword } ; error
: null } | { data
: { session
: null ; user
: null ; weakPassword
?: null } ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:113 Authenticator Assurance Levels Authenticator Assurance Levels: "aal1" | "aal2"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:755 Call Refresh Token Result Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:922 Email Otp Type Email Otp Type: "signup" | "invite" | "magiclink" | "recovery" | "email_change" | "email"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:562 Function Invoke Options Function
: { body
?: File | Blob | ArrayBuffer | FormData | ReadableStream < Uint8Array > | Record < string , any > | string ; headers
?: {} ; method
?: "POST" | "GET" | "PUT" | "PATCH" | "DELETE" ; region
?: FunctionRegion } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/functions-js/dist/module/types.d.ts:45 Type declaration Optional body?: File | Blob | ArrayBuffer | FormData | ReadableStream < Uint8Array > | Record < string , any > | string Optional headers?: {} Optional method?: "POST" | "GET" | "PUT" | "PATCH" | "DELETE" Generate Email Change Link Params Generate
: { email
: string ; newEmail
: string ; options
?: Pick < GenerateLinkOptions , "redirectTo" > ; type
: "email_change_current" | "email_change_new" } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:617 Type declaration email: string new Email: string Optional options?: Pick < GenerateLinkOptions , "redirectTo" > type: "email_change_current" | "email_change_new" Generate Invite Or Magiclink Params Generate
: { email
: string ; options
?: Pick < GenerateLinkOptions , "data" | "redirectTo" > ; type
: "invite" | "magiclink" } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:605 Type declaration email: string Optional options?: Pick < GenerateLinkOptions , "data" | "redirectTo" > type: "invite" | "magiclink" Generate Link Params Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:637 Generate Link Properties Generate
: { action_link
: string ; email_otp
: string ; hashed_token
: string ; redirect_to
: string ; verification_type
: GenerateLinkType } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:652 Type declaration action_ link: string email_ otp: string hashed_ token: string redirect_ to: string Generate Link Response Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:638 Generate Link Type Generate Link Type: "signup" | "invite" | "magiclink" | "recovery" | "email_change_current" | "email_change_new"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:672 Generate Recovery Link Params Generate
: { email
: string ; options
?: Pick < GenerateLinkOptions , "redirectTo" > ; type
: "recovery" } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:611 Generate Signup Link Params Generate
: { email
: string ; options
?: Pick < GenerateLinkOptions , "data" | "redirectTo" > ; password
: string ; type
: "signup" } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:599 Type declaration email: string Optional options?: Pick < GenerateLinkOptions , "data" | "redirectTo" > password: string type: "signup" Go True Client Options Go
: { autoRefreshToken
?: boolean ; debug
?: boolean | ( ( message
: string ,
... args
: any [] ) => void ) ; detectSessionInUrl
?: boolean ; fetch
?: Fetch ; flowType
?: AuthFlowType ; hasCustomAuthorizationHeader
?: boolean ; headers
?: {} ; lock
?: LockFunc ; persistSession
?: boolean ; storage
?: SupportedStorage ; storageKey
?: string ; url
?: string } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:23 Type declaration Optional auto Refresh Token?: boolean Optional debug?: boolean | ( ( message: string , ... args: any [] ) => void ) Optional detect Session In Url?: boolean Optional fetch?: Fetch Optional has Custom Authorization Header?: boolean Optional headers?: {} Optional persist Session?: boolean Optional storage Key?: string Optional url?: string Initialize Result Initialize
: { error
: AuthError | null } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:919 Lock Func Lock Func: ( < R > ( name: string , acquireTimeout: number , fn: ( ( ) => Promise < R > ) ) => Promise < R > )
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:22 Type declaration < R > ( name: string , acquireTimeout: number , fn: ( ( ) => Promise < R > ) ) : Promise < R > Type Parameters Parameters name: string acquireTimeout: number fn: ( ( ) => Promise < R > ) Returns Promise < R > MFAChallenge And Verify Params MFAChallenge And Verify Params: { code: string ; factorId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:692 Type declaration code: string factor Id: string MFAChallenge Params MFAChallenge Params: { channel?: "sms" | "whatsapp" ; factorId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:686 Type declaration Optional channel?: "sms" | "whatsapp" factor Id: string MFAEnroll Params Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:673 MFAEnroll Phone Params MFAEnroll Phone Params: { factorType: "phone" ; friendlyName?: string ; phone: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:962 Type declaration factor Type: "phone" Optional friendly Name?: string phone: string MFAEnrollTOTPParams MFAEnrollTOTPParams: { factorType: "totp" ; friendlyName?: string ; issuer?: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:954 Type declaration factor Type: "totp" Optional friendly Name?: string Optional issuer?: string MFAUnenroll Params MFAUnenroll Params: { factorId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:674 MFAVerify Params MFAVerify Params: { challengeId: string ; code: string ; factorId: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:678 Type declaration challenge Id: string code: string factor Id: string Mobile Otp Type Mobile Otp Type: "sms" | "phone_change"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:561 OAuth Response OAuth
: { data
: { provider
: Provider ; url
: string } ; error
: null } | { data
: { provider
: Provider ; url
: null } ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:128 Page Params Page Params: { page?: number ; perPage?: number }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:935 Type declaration Optional page?: number Optional per Page?: number Pagination Pagination: { lastPage: number ; nextPage: number | null ; total: number }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:929 Type declaration [ key: string ]: any last Page: number next Page: number | null total: number Postgrest Maybe Single Response Defined in node_modules/@supabase/postgrest-js/dist/cjs/types.d.ts:25 Type Parameters Postgrest Response Defined in node_modules/@supabase/postgrest-js/dist/cjs/types.d.ts:26 Type Parameters Postgrest Single Response Postgrest Single Response< T > : PostgrestResponseSuccess < T > | PostgrestResponseFailure
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/postgrest-js/dist/cjs/types.d.ts:24 Type Parameters Provider Provider: "apple" | "azure" | "bitbucket" | "discord" | "facebook" | "figma" | "github" | "gitlab" | "google" | "kakao" | "keycloak" | "linkedin" | "linkedin_oidc" | "notion" | "slack" | "slack_oidc" | "spotify" | "twitch" | "twitter" | "workos" | "zoom" | "fly"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:4 Realtime Channel Options Realtime Channel Options: { config: { broadcast?: { ack?: boolean ; self?: boolean } ; presence?: { key?: string } ; private?: boolean } }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeChannel.d.ts:7 Type declaration config: { broadcast?: { ack?: boolean ; self?: boolean } ; presence?: { key?: string } ; private?: boolean } Optional broadcast?: { ack?: boolean ; self?: boolean } Optional ack?: boolean Optional self?: boolean Optional presence?: { key?: string } Optional private?: boolean Realtime Channel Send Response Realtime Channel Send Response: "ok" | "timed out" | "error"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeChannel.d.ts:77 Realtime Client Options Realtime Client Options: { decode?: Function ; encode?: Function ; fetch?: Fetch ; headers?: {} ; heartbeatIntervalMs?: number ; log_level?: "info" | "debug" | "warn" | "error" ; logger?: Function ; params?: {} ; reconnectAfterMs?: Function ; timeout?: number ; transport?: WebSocketLikeConstructor ; worker?: boolean ; workerUrl?: string ; accessToken?: any }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeClient.d.ts:14 Type declaration Optional decode?: Function Optional encode?: Function Optional fetch?: Fetch Optional headers?: {} Optional heartbeat Interval Ms?: number Optional log_ level?: "info" | "debug" | "warn" | "error" Optional logger?: Function Optional params?: {} Optional reconnect After Ms?: Function Optional timeout?: number Optional transport?: WebSocketLikeConstructor Optional worker?: boolean Optional worker Url?: string access Token?: function access Token( ) : Promise < null | string > Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeClient.d.ts:32 Returns Promise < null | string > Realtime Message Realtime Message: { event: string ; join_ref?: string ; payload: any ; ref: string ; topic: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeClient.d.ts:34 Type declaration event: string Optional join_ ref?: string payload: any ref: string topic: string Realtime Postgres Changes Filter Realtime Postgres Changes Filter< T > : { event: T ; filter?: string ; schema: string ; table?: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeChannel.d.ts:59 Type Parameters Type declaration event: T Optional filter?: string schema: string Optional table?: string Realtime Postgres Changes Payload Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeChannel.d.ts:56 Type Parameters Realtime Postgres Delete Payload Realtime
< T > : RealtimePostgresChangesPayloadBase & { eventType
: ` ${ DELETE } ` ; new
: {} ; old
: Partial < T > } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeChannel.d.ts:49 Type Parameters Realtime Postgres Insert Payload Realtime
< T > : RealtimePostgresChangesPayloadBase & { eventType
: ` ${ INSERT } ` ; new
: T ; old
: {} } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeChannel.d.ts:35 Type Parameters Realtime Postgres Update Payload Realtime
< T > : RealtimePostgresChangesPayloadBase & { eventType
: ` ${ UPDATE } ` ; new
: T ; old
: Partial < T > } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeChannel.d.ts:42 Type Parameters Realtime Presence Join Payload Realtime
< T > : { currentPresences
: Presence < T > [] ; event
: ` ${ JOIN } ` ; key
: string ; newPresences
: Presence < T > [] } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimePresence.d.ts:13 Type Parameters Type declaration current Presences: Presence < T > [] event: ` ${ JOIN } ` key: string new Presences: Presence < T > [] Realtime Presence Leave Payload Realtime
< T > : { currentPresences
: Presence < T > [] ; event
: ` ${ LEAVE } ` ; key
: string ; leftPresences
: Presence < T > [] } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimePresence.d.ts:21 Type Parameters Type declaration current Presences: Presence < T > [] event: ` ${ LEAVE } ` key: string left Presences: Presence < T > [] Realtime Presence State Realtime Presence State< T > : {}
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimePresence.d.ts:8 Type Parameters Type declaration [ key: string ]: Presence < T > [] Realtime Remove Channel Response Realtime Remove Channel Response: "ok" | "timed out" | "error"
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/realtime-js/dist/module/RealtimeClient.d.ts:41 Resend Params Resend
: { email
: string ; options
?: { captchaToken
?: string ; emailRedirectTo
?: string } ; type
: Extract < EmailOtpType , "signup" | "email_change" > } | { options
?: { captchaToken
?: string } ; phone
: string ; type
: Extract < MobileOtpType , "sms" | "phone_change" > } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:563 SSOResponse SSOResponse
: { data
: { url
: string } ; error
: null } | { data
: null ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:141 Sign In Anonymously Credentials Sign In Anonymously Credentials: { options?: { captchaToken?: string ; data?: object } }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:387 Type declaration Optional options?: { captchaToken?: string ; data?: object } Optional captcha Token?: string Optional data?: object Sign In With Id Token Credentials Sign In With Id Token Credentials: { access_token?: string ; nonce?: string ; options?: { captchaToken?: string } ; provider: "google" | "apple" | "azure" | "facebook" | "kakao" | string & {} ; token: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:505 Type declaration Optional access_ token?: string Optional nonce?: string Optional options?: { captchaToken?: string } Optional captcha Token?: string provider: "google" | "apple" | "azure" | "facebook" | "kakao" | string & {} token: string Sign In WithOAuth Credentials Sign
: { options
?: { queryParams
?: {} ; redirectTo
?: string ; scopes
?: string ; skipBrowserRedirect
?: boolean } ; provider
: Provider } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:489 Type declaration Optional options?: { queryParams?: {} ; redirectTo?: string ; scopes?: string ; skipBrowserRedirect?: boolean } Optional query Params?: {} Optional redirect To?: string Optional scopes?: string Optional skip Browser Redirect?: boolean Sign In With Password Credentials Sign In With Password Credentials: { email: string ; options?: { captchaToken?: string } ; password: string } | { options?: { captchaToken?: string } ; password: string ; phone: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:434 Sign In With Passwordless Credentials Sign In With Passwordless Credentials: { email: string ; options?: { captchaToken?: string ; data?: object ; emailRedirectTo?: string ; shouldCreateUser?: boolean } } | { options?: { captchaToken?: string ; channel?: "sms" | "whatsapp" ; data?: object ; shouldCreateUser?: boolean } ; phone: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:453 Sign In WithSSO Sign In WithSSO: { options?: { captchaToken?: string ; redirectTo?: string } ; providerId: string } | { domain: string ; options?: { captchaToken?: string ; redirectTo?: string } }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:580 Sign Out Sign Out: { scope?: "global" | "local" | "others" }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:941 Type declaration Optional scope?: "global" | "local" | "others" Sign Up With Password Credentials Sign Up With Password Credentials: { email: string ; options?: { captchaToken?: string ; data?: object ; emailRedirectTo?: string } ; password: string } | { options?: { captchaToken?: string ; channel?: "sms" | "whatsapp" ; data?: object } ; password: string ; phone: string }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:399 Supported Storage Supported Storage: PromisifyMethods < Pick < Storage , "getItem" | "setItem" | "removeItem" > > & { isServer?: boolean }
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:909 User Response User
: { data
: { user
: AuthUser } ; error
: null } | { data
: { user
: null } ; error
: AuthError } Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:157 Verify Otp Params Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:519 Weak Password Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:49 Weak Password Reasons Weak Password Reasons: "length" | "characters" | "pwned" | string & {}
Defined in node_modules/@supabase/auth-js/dist/module/lib/types.d.ts:48