Function createSupabaseLoadClient
- createSupabaseLoadClient<Database, SchemaName, Schema>(__namedParameters): SupabaseClient<Database, SchemaName, Schema>
Type Parameters
Database = any
SchemaName extends string = "public" extends keyof Database
? "public"
: string & keyof Database
Schema extends GenericSchema = Database[SchemaName] extends GenericSchema
? any[any]
: any
__namedParameters: {
cookieOptions?: CookieOptionsWithName;
event: Pick<LoadEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, null | Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, null | string>, "fetch">;
options?: SupabaseClientOptionsWithoutAuth<SchemaName>;
serverSession: null | Session;
supabaseKey: string;
supabaseUrl: string;
cookieOptions?: CookieOptionsWithName
event: Pick<LoadEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, null | Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, null | string>, "fetch">
options?: SupabaseClientOptionsWithoutAuth<SchemaName>
serverSession: null | Session
supabaseKey: string
supabaseUrl: string
Returns SupabaseClient<Database, SchemaName, Schema>
Authenticated Supabase client
Returns a new authenticated Supabase client.
When running in the browser it will create a single instance that is returned for subsequent runs.